Visionary Media Productions Internships Available!
Join the team, make a difference, and get insight on the ever changing multi-media business! Visionary Media Productions is now taking applications for internships. Visionary Media Productions provides multi-media services for clients of all sizes. Services include news reporting, video marketing, storytelling, editing, and post production among other things. Interns will work alongside staff on projects receiving hands on experience in the daily operations of this growing company. Interns will be tasked to provide social media and promotions plans for Visionary Media Productions.
TV reporting experience: Visionary Media Productions provides freelance reporting support for local media outlets. Interns will have opportunities to see the reporting process from beginning to end.
Video shooting and editing: Visionary Media Productions will provide training on video production equipment and give interns opportunities to shoot and edit content.
Blogging: Opportunities to cover events and produce original articles and web materials.
Social Media: Opportunities to create a dialogue with Visionary Media Production’s readers and viewers.
Pay: Per Maryland minimum wage laws, $9.55/hr. Internship hours will be flexible, approximately 10 hours per week.
To apply, complete and submit the form below:
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